Why a Triangle in our Logo?

To be specific, it’s a “3, 4, 5, Triangle” as my Dad called it. I learned the theory in high school geometry, but growing up on the farm in southwest Oklahoma was where I first learned that I could truly take what I was learning in class and apply it to real life situations. He showed my brother and me how we could lay out this triangle on the floor of the shop so that we could have a perfect right angle to begin laying out the 2” angle iron that would become the frame of the trailer we built that day.

Since then, I have built a career on sharing how to use the different things we learn in our Language classes, math classes, and science classes, to complete real life tasks and solve real life problems. The goal of Scrudder Fabrications is to use the knowledge and experiences gained over the years to creatively design and build custom products that will have a positive impact on our clients’ lives.

If interested, ask me sometime to share the detailed version of my story about Dad and his 3,4,5 triangle.

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